Wednesday, September 30, 2009

[Jim's Eclectic World] New comment on A critique of national parks as "America's best id....

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "A critique of national parks as "America's best id...":

It's critical that western peoples not be greedy, not be self-serving; but that is not possible for most peoples much of the time, really. The motives of civilized peoples are a complex conundrum of both positive and harmful values. You phrase your points well.
It is useless but hopeful, in my opinion, to believe that western culture can ever do better than it has. There are limits, unfortunately, to what can be achieved altruistically.

Posted by Anonymous to Jim's Eclectic World at 9/30/09 9:21 AM

[Jim's Eclectic World] New comment on A critique of national parks as "America's best id....

thedispersalofdarwin ( has left a new comment on your post "A critique of national parks as "America's best id...":

I watched episode 1, but am going to Netflix the rest when they come out on DVD Oct. 6th or so, because I can't just devote 2 hours every night this week. But I will definitely keep in mind your thoughts while watching it. I did cringe at the statement that the best idea was Jefferson's, without any "Yes, but...."

Posted by thedispersalofdarwin to Jim's Eclectic World at 9/30/09 9:11 AM